“Allow the intention of you to flow through everything you do.
In this way, your whole life will ring true.”
Guidance and clarity- using your Akashic Record and my experience in health coaching, psychology and an unwavering awareness of the details that make life eternally beautiful.
-About me-
Welcome to this space. I’ve created it to remind you that everything you do matters and creates an energy in the world. You deserve to trust yourself so your entire life and being become a curation of who you are at your core. I would love to help in that process. Many have never looked deeply enough to know what that can look like. That’s okay, and luckily you have come here to look closer.
My name is Jess. Everything here was created by me. I was born and raised in America and have been living in various parts of France for almost 15 years. This experience came with many long periods of solitude. I spent a lot of time feeling far away from where I wanted to be which gave me the gift of a kind of quiet I might not have known if I’d remained in my home country in a previous life. In that quiet I was led to deepen my awareness of myself and surroundings until it brought me to understand the existence of the other realms in which we reside and how to access the Akashic Records. My strongest gifts are tied to the written word which is why I channel through writing instead of voice. I am also an Usui, Holy Fire and Another Light Reiki master. I adore the beauty of the physical world and wish for others to see it everywhere they are, no matter the chaos they perceive.
-Channeled Message for Visitors Here-
View yourself, face the mirror. Through this, everything will become clear. You are here because you felt a pull, a calling, to something different than what has been going on in the air around here lately.
Impatience will serve you no purpose. It’s the time for one foot in front of the other. The footsteps don’t have to be heavy, but they can be small. Small steps still get you to the tallest heights. Places from which you are able to see clearly through wide open air, everywhere you are meant to place your light.
You stand at the top of a mountain looking out over half the earth. There are points far in the distance, illuminated dots like pins on a map. Cords of light arc out from your center, linking up with each point, as though you are the original source on a power grid.
We’ve all been through a lot haven’t we? The easiest way out of the tumble- a rock knocks around inside a washing machine- is to look down at your own hands, and ask how you can create what you came here to create.
You are standing outside and begin applying large smears of color onto air. A mural begins to take shape. It’s translucent, transparent, but full of color. Slowly, it begins turning, twisting, from flat to a curved uneven form.
What you create will take on it’s own shape. It’s not necessarily your duty to know where it will go, all the ways it will flow out to the world.
The mural divides itself up, popping into smaller pieces and shoots out to locations across the earth.
Without you to have brought it into form- the form from which these new shapes are made, it could never have dispersed, bringing its energy to those who have been waiting to receive it, not knowing where it would come from.
The pieces return to you where you stand in the sun on a hillside. Each one is now different than when it broke away- complex additions on each already beautiful surface. You receive each piece, placing it back where it started. Each one is a perfect fit, but because of the alterations, the sculpture that is recreated is a thousand times more complex, more focused and pure in the energy it sends out than you could have ever created on your own.
This is the time for collaboration. Never before have you needed each other more, not for safety nor support, but for creation that brings light to the night. Never for a moment think that what you want to do or create isn’t necessary. You would never have had the thought if it wasn’t. You’ll know the difference because maybe it will feel hard and full of hesitation before a path is mapped out for you.
A cord runs across a map, stopping here and there, a flash of light at each pin placed.
The way to things that you’re not meant to do may actually seem clearer at first because they’re on a path that’s already been laid out for you. Drawn up by someone handing it to you, telling you what to do.
A person hands you a rolled up map. The instructions are clear, the road marked out in red marker.
But you won’t see light on this map. Because the light has to come from within you. No one else can draw that up for you. Allow the intention of you to flow through everything you do. In this way, your whole life will ring true.
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