We all have those feelings that have been pervasive our entire lives. Sometimes they’re larger things that make absolutely no sense, like a phobia or a bizarre obsession that has no link to an experience. Often they're little anxieties that are there, under our skin creating baseline dissatisfaction or a longing for something different than what we have. Because we’ve lived with them for so long, they can feel like personality traits.
For me, it was a sense of being trapped. It lived somewhere in my chest between my heart and my throat, like that feeling when you want to protest, but for some reason, aren’t allowed to.
When I was a child, I thought it was because I lived out in the woods with no means to see anyone or go anywhere by myself if I didn't want to ride my bike miles away to a friend’s house. As a teenager, I thought it was because once I could drive and exit the sticks for a while, suburban New Jersey was its own island of nothing I needed or wanted. Freedom was farther . . . out there. I also felt trapped on the conveyor belt I’d been placed on. The one where if you work really hard in school and show everyone you're able to improve areas of weakness, while completely neglecting things that felt enjoyable or easy, you will be deemed worthy and capable. This conveniently moves you on to working hard everywhere you go, because by this time you’ve learned that only the things you have to force your way to the top of are important. It felt like that was the only way I was allowed to live.
When I lived in the city, I thought it was because there seemed to be no escape from the people, noise, and activity unless I got in the car to drive clear out of it. And even America itself felt stifling. With oceans on either side, and only one country to the north and to the south, I felt sequestered from the rest of the world's geography, variety, and possibility.
Living in French Guiana, I thought it was my lack of mobility without my own car, and the fact that to leave the country in an affordable way required a six hour taxi ride, a pirogue across the river, another six hour taxi, and two layovers to fly anywhere you actually needed or wanted to be.
When I moved to Corsica, I thought it was because I was on a literal island. And when I moved here, maybe it was the nauseating switchbacks up out of the valley, and miles of moonscape across a plateau to get anywhere else. During the last few places, it was also the feeling that I had no idea where life was taking me. That can feel exciting, and then concerning.
Then I woke up to this world, and my understanding of life completely shifted. I could look back and see where I’d been led by my own messages, and where I’d ignored my signs completely. A whole toolbox of resources for tapping in to information about myself and the best ways to navigate life opened up, and I started getting answers to some of my questions.
During an Akashic records reading with someone I’d never met or spoken to before, I asked- Which past life experience is affecting me most right now?
I didn’t have anything in mind, and I didn’t know what I needed to hear. I just knew I was feeling a new surge of frustration and hoped for some clarity my Soul might offer for relief. The reader described seeing whoever I was in a past life on an island during wartime. Because I was on an island I already felt geographically cut off, and because of the war, I felt desperate and like there was no escape. She channeled that this was an energy I’d been carrying with me from that life, and my guides wanted me to know that I’m not trapped. I’m never trapped. I can choose to leave my situation and make a change at any time.
It probably sounds strange, but it was like the idea had never occurred to me. American culture places a huge emphasis on freedom, and I was never really physically trapped anywhere yet I’d taken on the idea that I was somehow constrained. The feeling had leaked into relationships, where I could go, and what I could accomplish.
When I heard her describe this life, things suddenly felt okay. I saw how much the energy from it had followed me around, and realized how much peace it could have brought me had I known earlier. How much my perspective of what felt like set backs in all the places I’d lived would have shifted. And it allowed me to have compassion for myself for having carried the distraction of this frustration around.
I saw the truth in the reminder from my Guides. It was like being gifted my freedom back even though it was never actually missing. For so many of us (and bless those for whom it isn’t), freedom is actually just a feeling. Something we can cultivate in our minds and choose to acknowledge with each little daily choice.
Even if I didn't make immediate changes, being shown the reality of my situation removed the feeling of being stifled and that I needed to get somewhere else, literally or figuratively, in order to be okay. That ball of energy that lived in my chest and felt like some kind of clog had dissipated, and I realized how much power can be returned to us with just a tiny piece of our Soul history.
What uncomfortable feelings have followed you throughout life?
Have any practices helped you eliminate them completely?
If you feel ready to receive some of the wisdom the records hold for you, book a Reading.